Tips Consuming and Using Olive Oil
1. Olive oils should be extra-virgin to be reliably
virtuous. Extras Virgin have less
than one percent acidity as copared virgins which has less than three or four percent.
Extras and virgins should be mechanically processed, or 'cold pressed in order to maintain their olive integrity. 'Virgin' on the label also means the makers
haven't cut the product with chemically processed oils
2. Store unopened bottles like wine: at a,cool temperature in a
dark cupboard or closet that should keep those antioxidants stuff
for at least a year.
3.Adults consumes five teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil daily
for a week lowered their LDL (bad) cholesterol and also showed less
oxidation of LDL due to higher blood levels of
olive-oil antioxidants.
4. Researchers at Brigham and Women's ,Hospital gathered 101 fat
people, but not to poke fun. Half, they put on a low-fat diet (20
percent of calories from fat). The other, happier half: moderate
fat (35 percent of calories from fat), 'including daily servings of
nuts and !olive oil, Result: Both groups lost roughly the same
amount of weight, but the people who ate more of the right fats
kept it off longer than the low-fat fatties.
5.Marshall Goldberg, M.D., an endocrinologist at Thomas Jefferson
'University Hospital, tells his patients to take two teaspoons of
extra-virgin 20 minutes before mealtime to make them feel full and
eat less. Dip a good, crusty bread into a dish of O.O. A couple of
dips should give you the required two teaspoons.
6. A diet rich in olive oil lowers your risk of developing
rheumatoid arthritis, says a team of researchers at Harvard !
University and the University of Athens. Folks who consumed the
least olive oil had a 21/2 times greater risk of developing the
disease than those who consumed the most.
7. Olive oil appears to have a protective effect against cancers of
the colon and rectum, according to a British study. A 'diet high in
meat was associated with an increased incidence of these cancers,
while one rich in olive oil wasassociated with a decreased
->Wipe garden tools with a light coating of olive oil before
putting them away. Prevents rust.
->Olive oil quiets squeaky hinges and lubes the hamster's exercise
-> Olive oil is a perfect massage oil. Call her your amante
appassionata, then douse her.
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